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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas - Sophocles J. Orfanidis

This book provides a broad and applications-oriented introduction to electromagnetic waves and antennas. Current interest in these areas is driven by the growth in wireless and fiber-optic communications, information technology, and materials science.

Communications, antenna, radar, and microwave engineers must deal with the generation, transmission, and reception of electromagnetic waves. Device engineers working on ever-smaller integrated circuits and at ever higher frequencies must take into account wave propagation effects at the chip and circuit-board levels. Communication and computer network engineers routinely use waveguiding systems, such as transmission lines and optical fibers. Novel recent developments in materials, such as photonic bandgap structures, omnidirectional dielectric mirrors, birefringent multilayer films, surface plasmons, negative-index metamaterials, slow and fast light, promise a revolution in the control and manipulation of light and other applications. These are just some examples of topics discussed in this book.

The book is organized around three main topic areas:

  • The propagation, reflection, and transmission of plane waves, and the analysis and design of multilayer films.
  • Waveguides, transmission lines, impedance matching, and S-parameters.
  • Linear and aperture antennas, scalar and vector diffraction theory, antenna array design, and coupled antennas.


Front Matter and Preface
Table of Contents

Ch.1: Maxwell's Equations

Review of Maxwell's equations, Lorentz force, constitutive relations, boundary conditions, charge and energy conservation, Poynting's theorem, simple models of dielectrics, conductors, and plasmas, relaxation time in conductors.

Ch.2: Uniform Plane Waves

Uniform plane waves in lossless media, monochromatic waves, wave impedance, polarization, waves in lossy media, waves in weakly lossy dielectrics, propagation in good conductors, propagation in oblique directions, complex waves, propagation in negative-index media, Doppler effect.

Ch.3: Pulse Propagation in Dispersive Media

Propagation filter, front velocity and causality, exact medium response examples, transient and steady-state behavior, pulse propagation and group pelocity, group velocity dispersion and pulse spreading, propagation and chirping, dispersion compensation, slow, fast, and negative group velocities, chirp radar and pulse compression.

Ch.4: Propagation in Birefringent Media

Linear and circular birefringence, uniaxial and biaxial media, chiral media, natural vs. Faraday rotation, gyrotropic media, linear and circular dichroism, oblique propagation in birefringent media.

Ch.5: Reflection and Transmission

Reflection and transmission at normal incidence, propagation and matching matrices, reflected and transmitted power, single and double dielectric slabs, reflectionless slab, time-domain reflection response, lattice diagrams, reflection by a moving boundary, such as a moving mirror.

Ch.6: Multilayer Structures

Multiple dielectric slabs at normal incidence, antireflection coatings, dielectric mirrors, propagation bandgaps, narrow-band transmission filters, quarter-wave phase-shifted Fabry-Perot resonators, fiber Bragg gratings, equal travel-time multilayer structures, applications of layered structures, Chebyshev design of reflectionless multilayers.

Ch.7: Oblique Incidence

Oblique incidence and Snell's laws, transverse impedance, propagation and matching of transverse fields, Fresnel reflection coefficients, total internal reflection, Brewster angle, complex waves, lossy media, Zenneck surface wave, surface plasmons, oblique reflection by a moving interface, geometrical optics, Fermat's principle of least time, ray tracing techniques in geometrical optics illustrated by several exactly solvable examples drawn from several applications, such as atmospheric refraction, mirages, ionospheric refraction, propagation in a standard atmosphere and the effect of Earth's curvature, and propagation in graded-index optical fibers, Snel's law in negative-index media.

Ch.8: Multilayer Film Applications

Multilayer dielectric structures at oblique incidence, lossy multilayers, frustrated total internal reflection, surface plasmon resonance, perfect lenses in negative-index media, antireflection coatings at oblique incidence, omnidirectional dielectric mirrors, polarizing beam splitters, reflection and refraction in birefringent media, Brewster and critical angles in birefringent media, multilayer birefringent structures, giant birefringent optics.

Ch.9: Waveguides

Longitudinal-transverse decompositions of Maxwell's equations, power transfer and attenuation in guiding systems, TEM, TE, TM modes, rectangular waveguides, higher TE and TM modes, operating bandwidth, power transfer, energy density, and group velocity in waveguides, power attenuation, reflection model of waveguide propagation, dielectric slab guides.

Ch.10: Transmission Lines

General properties of TEM transmission lines, parallel-plate, microstrip, coaxial, and two-wire lines, distributed circuit model of a transmission line, wave impedance and reflection response, two-port equivalent circuits, terminated lines, power transfer from generator to load, open- and short-circuited lines, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, standing wave ratio, determination of unknown load impedance, Smith chart. Transient Response.

Ch.11: Coupled Lines (updated 8/19/09)

Coupled transmission lines, even-odd mode decomposition for identical matched or unmatched lines, crosstalk between lines, weakly coupled lines with arbitrary terminations, coupled-mode theory, co-directional couplers, fiber Bragg gratings as examples of contra-directional couplers, quarter-wave phase-shifted fiber Bragg gratings as narrow-band transmission filters, and the Schuster-Kubelka-Munk theory of diffuse reflection and transmission as an example of contra-directional coupling.

Ch.12: Impedance Matching

Conjugate and reflectionless matching, multisection transmission lines, quarter-wavelength impedance transformers, two-section dual-band Chebyshev transformers, quarter-wavelength transformers with series sections and shunt stubs, two-section series impedance transformers, single-stub matching, balanced stubs, double- and triple-stub matching, L-, T-, and Pi-section lumped reactive matching networks and their Q-factors.

Ch.13: S-Parameters

Scattering parameters, power flow, parameter conversions, input and output reflection coefficients, stability circles, transducer, operating, and available power gains, generalized S-parameters and power waves, simultaneous conjugate matching, power gain circles, unilateral gain circles, operating and available power gain circles, noise figure circles, design examples of low-noise high-gain microwave amplifiers and their microstrip matching circuits.

Ch.14: Radiation Fields

Currents and charges as sources of fields, retarded potentials, fields of a linear wire antenna, near and far fields of electric and magnetic dipoles, Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem of molecular optics, radiation fields, radiation field approximation, computing the radiation fields, radiation vector.

Ch.15: Transmitting and Receiving Antennas

Energy flux and radiation intensity from a radiating system, directivity, gain, and beamwidth of an antenna, effective area, gain-beamwidth product, antenna equivalent circuits, effective length and polarization and load mismatches, communicating antennas, Friis formula, antenna noise temperature, system noise temperature, limits on bit rates, satellite links, radar equation.

Ch.16: Linear and Loop Antennas

Linear antennas, Hertzian dipole, standing-wave antennas, half-wave dipole, monopole antennas, traveling wave antennas, vee and rhombic antennas, loop antennas, circular and square loops, dipole and quadruple radiation.

Ch.17: Radiation from Apertures (updated 7/5/08)

Field equivalence principle, magnetic currents and duality, radiation fields from magnetic currents, radiation fields from apertures, Kottler's formula, Huygens sources, directivity and effective area of apertures, uniform, rectangular, and circular apertures and their gain-beamwidth products, Rayleigh diffraction limit, vector diffraction theory, Stratton-Chu, Kottler, Franz, and Kirchhoff diffraction integral formulas, extinction theorem, vector diffraction from apertures, Fresnel diffraction, Knife-edge diffraction, Fresnel zones, geometrical theory of diffraction and Sommerfeld's solution for a conducting half-plane, Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction theory and its connection to the plane-wave spectrum representation, Fresnel diffraction and Fourier optics.

Ch.18: Aperture Antennas

Open-ended waveguides, horn antennas, horn radiation fields, horn directivity, optimum horn design, microstrip antennas, parabolic reflector antennas, gain and beamwidth of reflector antennas, aperture-field and current-distribution methods, radiation patterns of reflector antennas, dual-reflector antennas, lens antennas.

Ch.19: Antenna Arrays

Antenna arrays and translational phase shift, array pattern multiplication, one-dimensional arrays, visible region, grating lobes, uniform arrays, array directivity, steering, and beamwidth.

Ch.20: Array Design Methods

Schelkunoff's zero-placement method, Fourier series design method with windowing, sector beam array design, Woodward-Lawson frequency-sampling design, discretization of continuous line sources, narrow-beam low-sidelobe designs, binomial arrays, Dolph-Chebyshev arrays, Taylor one-parameter source, prolate arrays, Taylor n-bar distribution, Villeneuve arrays, multi-beam arrays, emphasis on the connections to DSP methods of digital filter design and spectral analysis of sinusoids.

Ch.21: Currents on Linear Antennas (updated 2/26/09)

Hallen and Pocklington integral equations, delta-gap, frill generators, and plane-wave sources, solving Hallen's equation, sinusoidal current approximation, reflecting and center-loaded receiving antennas, King's three-term approximation, evaluation of the exact kernel using elliptic functions, method of moments, pulse, triangular, NEC, and delta-function bases, Hallen's equation for arbitrary incident field, solving Pocklington's equation.

Ch.22: Coupled Antennas (updated 7/5/08)

Near fields of linear antennas, self and mutual impedance, coupled two-element arrays, arrays of parallel dipoles, Yagi-Uda antennas, Hallen equations for coupled antennas.


Physical constants, electromagnetic frequency bands, vector identities and integral
theorems, Green's functions, coordinate systems, Fresnel integrals, stationary phase approximation, cosine integrals, Gauss-Legendre quadrature, Lorentz transformations, list of MATLAB functions.


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